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6 Tips for Running an Effective Executive Customer Council

Executive Customer Councils are strategic meetings that serve as very important opportunities for your business to grow and develop. This council is made up of executives who want to invest in seeing your business succeed.  Another term associated…
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Roadshows for the Modern Event Marketer

Event marketing is an ever-changing industry that positions itself as essentially an industry within many industries. Though event marketing is an industry all its own, it’s lifeblood are the industries that support it through actually needing…
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How Field Marketing Drives Top-Line Growth

Field marketing is somewhat of a lost art. Marketing and sales teams have been put into silos where they are almost in competition with one another rather than harmony. Each team wants to prove that their methods work the best and essentially…
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Tips for Building your Field Marketing Department

In contemporary organizations, there’s often a disconnect between marketing and sales. This disconnect or gap stems from two basic reasons (there are more, but these two make up 80 percent of the cause): 1) the organization has been around…
conference, meeting, event, advisory board, strategy, marketing investment
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A Customer Advisory Board and your Product

In order for businesses to generate revenue, they must be able to sell a product or service to customers. While that is a simplified scenario, it is the underlying truth of all for-profit businesses (and even most non-profits and governments).…
TASSCC - San Antonio, TX
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Field Marketing vs. Event Planning: Not one in the same

The marketing ecosystem and its functions is an essential part of any successful organization. But oftentimes, marketing is also somewhat shrouded in mystery. Everyone knows you need it, but not everyone knows what it is or how to successfully…
conference, meeting, advisory, council
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Getting the most from Executive Engagement Meetings

Why is Executive Engagement important? Executive engagement has been called the “DNA” of businesses and organizations. Without leadership development and engagement, the organization can be plagued with little energy or drive. Executive…
atx events systems, events, meetings, conferences,

Executive Engagement 101 (Part 1)

Executive Engagement Meetings 101 For any business to profit, customers “who want what only you have to offer” must be present. However, for any business to truly grow and change, Executive Engagement meetings are just as important. An…